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Religious Identity in the Workplace: A Discussion at the Parliament of the World's Religions

The Parliament of the World's Religions, a historic and globally recognized interfaith organization, recently convened a panel on the "Accommodation of Religious Identity in the US Workplace." This panel brought together a diverse group of experts, each representing a unique religious perspective, to discuss the challenges and opportunities related to religious identity in the U.S. workplace.

Panel Members: A Rich Tapestry of Faiths

1. Supreet Singh Manchanda (#Sikh): Representing the Sikh community, Manchanda brought to the table the unique challenges faced by Sikhs in the workplace, particularly in light of their distinct religious attire and practices. Sikhs, with their turbans and beards, often face discrimination and misconceptions. Manchanda's insights highlighted the importance of understanding and accommodating these unique religious expressions in a diverse work environment.

2. Arshia Ali-Khan, MA (#Muslim): Ali-Khan provided a perspective on the challenges faced by Muslims in the workplace. From prayer timings to fasting during Ramadan and wearing the hijab, Muslims often grapple with balancing their religious obligations with workplace expectations. Ali-Khan emphasized the importance of cultural sensitivity and understanding in fostering an inclusive environment.

3. Rev. Paul Kottke (#Christian): Representing the Christian faith, Rev. Kottke discussed the broad spectrum of Christian practices and beliefs and how they intersect with workplace dynamics. He underscored the importance of recognizing the diversity within Christianity itself and ensuring that all denominations feel respected and included.

4. Georgette Bennett (#Jewish): Bennett brought forward the Jewish perspective, discussing Sabbath observance, kosher dietary restrictions, and the importance of Jewish holidays. She highlighted the need for employers to be flexible and accommodating, ensuring that Jewish employees can observe their religious practices without facing discrimination.

5. Brian J. Grim (#RFBF): As the founder of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (RFBF), Grim provided a broader perspective on the role of faith in the workplace. Established in 2014, RFBF is dedicated to educating various stakeholders about the positive impact of faith and religious freedom on businesses and the economy. Grim emphasized that religious freedom, including the freedom to have no religious faith, is not just a moral imperative but also has tangible benefits for businesses, leading to increased diversity, innovation, and productivity.

Moderation by Rev. Margaret Rose: The panel was adeptly moderated by Rev. Margaret Rose, who ensured a balanced and comprehensive discussion. She posed critical questions, facilitated interactions among the panelists, and ensured that the conversation remained focused on practical solutions and actionable insights.

Key Takeaways from the Discussion

1. Diversity as Strength: All panelists agreed that religious diversity should be viewed as a strength rather than a challenge. Diverse teams bring a variety of perspectives, leading to richer discussions and more innovative solutions.

2. Education and Awareness: Ignorance often leads to discrimination. Workplaces should invest in training programs that educate employees about different religious practices and beliefs, fostering understanding and respect.

3. Flexibility is Key: Employers should be flexible in accommodating religious practices, whether it's allowing flexible working hours during Ramadan or providing space for prayer. Such accommodations not only respect religious freedom but also boost employee morale and loyalty.

4. Open Dialogue: Encouraging open dialogue about religious practices and beliefs can dispel myths and misconceptions. Employees should feel comfortable discussing their religious needs with their employers without fear of discrimination.

5. Economic Benefits: As highlighted by Grim, accommodating religious practices in the workplace is not just the right thing to do; it's also good for business. Diverse and inclusive workplaces tend to be more productive, innovative, and have lower turnover rates.


The panel on "Accommodation of Religious Identity in the US Workplace" at the Parliament of the World's Religions was a timely and essential discussion in today's diverse and globalized world. As workplaces become more diverse, understanding and accommodating religious identities will be crucial in fostering inclusive, productive, and harmonious work environments. The insights provided by the panelists serve as a roadmap for businesses and organizations looking to navigate the complexities of religious accommodation in the workplace.

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